
अमेरिका में इस सदी के सभी युद्धों, सभी प्राकृतिक आपदाओं, और सभी वाहन दुर्घटनाओं की कुल संख्या से ज्यादा मौत गो मांस उद्योग (Beef Industry ) से हुई है. यदि आप मानते है की गो मांस "असली लोगों के लिए असली खाना" है, तो आप के लिए अच्छा होगा की आप एक अच्छे अस्पताल के अच्छी तरह  समीप रहे। - प्रसिद्द अमेरिकन डॉक्टर नील डी बरनार्ड -

-- By Famous American Dr Neal D. Barnard , M.D., President, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Washington, D.C.

“The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all the wars of this century, all natural disasters, and all automobile accidents combined. If beef is your idea of "real food for real people" you'd better live real close to a real good hospital.” -- By Famous American Dr Neal D. Barnard , M.D., President, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Washington, D.C.


 • According to me under the present circumstances, there is nothing more scientific and intelligent act than banning cow slaughter.
 – Jai Prakash Narayan

*Quotes in various Religions*
 *• Kuran Sharif: Akarmool bakar fahinaha saiydul bahaisah Meaning: Respect
 the cow because it is the leader of 4 legged animals. The milk, ghee
 (shifa), butter of cow is nectar. Its flesh is the main cause of all the
 diseases. –Kuran sharif para 14 rukwa 7-15.*
 • Christian: Killing a cow or a bull is as sinful as killing a human. –isai
 hyada 66-3 Jesus Christ
 • Buddhism: As mother-father, sister-brother, are family members, cows are
 also our best friends.
 • Hindu: You can have darshan of all Gods and teerthas in Holy Cow.

• Sikkhism: gobhakti yehi dev agya turk, gahe khapaun! Gau ghat ka dosh jag
 sir mitaun.

 *Quotes of Great Personalities*  • Cow is the source of progress and prosperity. In many ways it is superior
to one’s mother. – Mahatma Gandhi
 • Killing a bull is equivalent to killing a cow. – Jesus Christ
 • Cow’s milk is tonic, its ghee is ambrosia and its meat is disease.
 – Hazarat Mohamed
 • Cow protection is the eternal dharma of India
 – Dr. Rajendra Prasad, 1st President of India
 • One cow in its life time can feed 4,10,440 people once a day while its
 meat is sufficient only for 80 people.
 – Swami Dayanand Saraswati
 • Till cows are slaughtered, no religious or social function can bring its
 – Devarah baba
 • The first section of Indian Constitution should be on prohibition for Cow
 – Madan Mohan Malviya

 *Quotes of Great Personalities*
 • The pressure of Muslims for cow slaughter is the limit of foolishness. I
 have studied both Koran and Bible. According to both of them, to kill a cow
 even indirectly is a great sin.
 – Acharya Vinoba Bhave
 • Since the cruel killing of cows and other animal have commenced, I have
 anxiety for the future generation.
 – Lala Lajpat Rai
 • Kill me but spare the cow. – Lokmanya Tilak
 • According to me under the present circumstances, there is nothing more
 scientific and intelligent act than banning cow slaughter.
 – Jai Prakash Narayan
 • Cow is the God even of God. – Shri Haridas Shastri
 • We want to live in the world while being called as Hindus then we have to
 protect cows with all our might.
 – Shri Prabhudata Brahmachari
 • The offensive act of British Rule towards cows will go down in the
 history as an abominable deed. – Lord Lonlithgo
 • Cow is the foundation of our economy.
 – Giani Zail Singh – Former President
 • Neither Koran nor the Arabian Customs permit killing cow.
 – Hakim Ajamal Khan

Krishna is known as Gopala (protector of the Cows) or Govinda with his
 flute (one who gives pleasure to the Cows).

 “Offering respect to the Cows will help the devotee to diminish the
 reactions to his past sinful activities” – Skanda Purana

 Lord Balaram represents plowing the land for agriculture and therefore
 always carries a plow in His hand represent krisi-raksha (protecting Bulls
 by engaging them in farming)

 *Cow Bull & Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya*
 • Spent 27 years of his life on only 1 glass of Cow butter milk and Chapati
 of Oat.
 • Oat which has been eaten by Cow comes out in Cow Dung(the undigested
 • Result was his Power which proves him in the form of Great Revolutionary
 for Change of The Era. He has that power which changes one’s thinking
 • He saved Bull by making himself as one of the pair in the Bullock Cart.

 *Quotes of Scientists*
 • Cow milk is father of overall health and complete diet
                                                    – Dr.Fredrick Halfman
 • Cow milk is beneficial even on heart diseases and cancer.
                                                      – Dr.Elawheeler phillocks
 • Yoghurt is the main ingredient which makes the body disease free.
 • With regular use of milk lacs of people restored their health and
 thousands saved their life. – Dr.Bernard Macfaden
 • Its misfortune of human beings that having milk and fruits he can be
 disease free, inspite of these great diets he is going for medicines. –
 Endolf just
 • Cow milk contains some special kind of bacteria which helps in cleaning
 and maintaining the intestines thru which the major part of life force is
 used to enrich and develop the cells. The energy left from fighting with
 diseases is the main reason for its brightness and long life. – Dr.

"All red meat contains saturated fat. There is no such thing as truly lean meat. Trimming away the edge ring of fat around a steak really does not lower the fat content significantly. People who have red meat (trimmed or untrimmed) as a regular feature of their diets suffer in far greater numbers from heart attacks and strokes."
-- Michael Klaper, M.D., Medical Director, EarthSave Foundation, Santa Cruz, California

"The thousands of people who have suffered food poisoning after eating beef will, no doubt, appreciate that their beef was aesthetically acceptable, even though it made them ill. Lovely to look at, dangerous to eat is not a standard that is likely to help beef sales."
-- Carol Tucker Foreman, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture during the Carter administration, commenting on the inadequacy of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Streamlined (Meat) Inspection System (SIS).

  "The impact of countless hooves and mouths over the years has done more to alter the type of vegetation and land forms of the West than all the water projects, strip mines, power plants, freeways, and subdivision developments combined."
-- Philip Fradkin in Audubon, National Audubon Society, NY, NY


  "As happened with tobacco, health warnings about meat eating are multiplying, and awareness of the environmental effects of meat production is rising. Just as cigarettes lost their allure, meat is losing its social cachet in some countries. Food marketers in the United Kingdom estimate that 2 million people in that country are strict vegetarians. More important, the number of people limiting meat in their diets is rising rapidly. An estimated 6 million people in the United Kingdom dine on meatless meals most of the time."
-- Alan B. Durning and Holly B. Brough, in Taking Stock: Animal Farming and the Environment, Worldwatch Institute, Washington, D.C., 1991


  "An alien ecologist observing... Earth might conclude that cattle is the dominant animal species in our biosphere."
-- David Hamilton Wright, Ph.D., Emory University biologist


  "A reduction in beef and other meat consumption is the most potent single act you can take to halt the destruction of our environment and preserve our natural resources. Our choices do matter. What's healthiest for each of us personally is also healthiest for the life support system of our precious, but wounded planet."
-- John Robbinsauthor of "Diet for a New America", and President, EarthSave Foundation, Santa Cruz, California


"A meat-fed world now appears a chimera. World grain production has grown more slowly than population since 1984, and farmers lack new methods for repeating the gains of the green revolution. Supporting the world's current population of 5.4 billion people on an American-style diet would require two-and-a-half times as much grain as the world's farmers produce for all purposes. A future world of 8 billion to 14 billion people eating the American ration of 220 grams of grain-fed meat a day can be nothing but a flight of fancy."
-- Alan B. Durning and Holly BroughWorldwatch Institute, Washington, D.C.

"Suppose food were distributed equally. If everyone in the world ate as Americans do, less than half the present world population could be fed on the record harvests of 1985 and 1986. Of course, everyone doesn't have to eat like Americans. About a third of the world grain harvest -- the staples of the human feeding base -- is fed to animals to produce eggs, milk, and meat for American-style diets. Wouldn't feeding that grain directly to people solve the problem? If everyone were willing to eat an essentially vegetarian diet, that additional grain would allow perhaps a billion more people to be fed with 1986 production."
-- Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlichauthors of "The Population Explosion", 1990 


"There can be no question that more hunger can be alleviated with a given quantity of grain by completely eliminating animals [from the food production process]. About 2,000 pounds of concentrates [grains] must be supplied to livestock in order to produce enough meat and other livestock products to support a person for a year, whereas 400 pounds of grain (corn, wheat, rice, soybeans, etc.) eaten directly will support a person for a year. Thus, a given quantity of grain eaten directly will feed 5 times as many people as it will if it is first fed to livestock and then is eaten indirectly by humans in the form of livestock products...."
-- M. E. Ensminger, Ph.D., internationally recognized animal agriculture specialist, former Department of Animal Science Chairman at Washington State University, currently President of Consultants-Agriservices, Clovis, California

  "Changing eating habits in the North is an important link in the chain of events needed to create environmentally sustainable development that meets people's needs. The Beyond Beef campaign is an important step in that direction."
-- Dr. Walden BelloExecutive Director, Food First/The Institute for Food and Development Policy, San Francisco, California


  "Family farmers are victims of public policy that gives preference to feeding animals over feeding people. This has encouraged the cheap grain policy of this nation and has made the Beef Cartel the biggest hog at the trough."
-- Howard LymanExecutive Director, Beyond Beef campaign, former senior lobbyist for the National Farmers Union


  "In my opinion, one of the greatest animal-welfare problems is the physical abuse of livestock during transportation.... Typical abuses I have witnessed with alarming frequency are; hitting, beating, use of badly maintained trucks, jabbing of short objects into animals, and deliberate cruelty."
-- Temple GrandinPh.D., internationally recognized livestock handling consultant and board member of the meat industry's Livestock Conservation Institute

  "For most humans, especially for those in modern urban and suburban communities, the most direct form of contact with nonhuman animals is at meal time: we eat them.... The use and abuse of animals raised for food far exceeds, in sheer numbers of animals affected, any other kind of mistreatment."
-- Peter Singerauthor of "Animal Liberation", and professor of philosophy at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia


  "I know, in my soul, that to eat a creature who is raised to be eaten, and who never has a chance to be a real being, is unhealthy. It's like...you're just eating misery. You're eating a bitter life."
-- Alice Walkerauthor and poet

  "In fact, if one person is unkind to an animal it is considered to be cruelty, but where a lot of people are unkind to animals, especially in the name of commerce, the cruelty is condoned and, once large sums of money are at stake, will be defended to the last by otherwise intelligent people."
-- Ruth Harrisonauthor of "Animal Machines"

   "Yet saddest of all fates, surely, is to have lost that sense of the holiness of life altogether; that we commit the blasphemy of bringing thousands of lives to a cruel and terrifying death or of making those lives a living death -- and feel nothing."
-- The Right Reverend John Austin BakerBishop of Salisbury, England, commenting on the cruelty of modern animal agriculture

  "You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson in "Fate"

"Usually, the first thing a country does in the course of economic development is to introduce a lot of livestock. Our data are showing that this is not a very smart move and the Chinese are listening. They are realizing that animal-based agriculture is not the way to go.... We are basically a vegetarian species and should be eating a wide variety of plant food and minimizing our intake of animal foods....

  "Most of the public lands in the West, and especially the Southwest, are what you might call cow burnt. Almost anywhere and everywhere you go in the American West you find hordes of [cows].... They are a pest and a plague. They pollute our springs and streams and rivers. They infest our canyons, valleys, meadows, and forests. They graze off the native bluestems and grama and bunch grasses, leaving behind jungles of prickly pear. They trample down the native forbs and shrubs and cacti. They spread the exotic cheatgrass, the Russian thistle, and the crested wheat grass. Weeds. Even when the cattle are not physically present, you see the dung and the flies and the mud and the dust and the general destruction. If you don't see it, you'll smell it. The whole American West stinks of cattle."
-- The late Edward Abbeyconservationist and author, in a speech before cattlemen at the University of Montana in 1985

"If you step back and look at the data, the optimum amount of red meat you eat should be zero."
-- Walter Willett, M.D.of Brigham and Women's Hospital, director of a study that found a close correlation between red meat consumption and colon cancer.

  "Once people start introducing animal products into their diet, that's when the mischief starts."
-- T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., of Cornell University, director of a study of 6,500 Chinese that found a close correlation between meat consumption and the incidence of heart disease and cancer.


Indian Breed of Cows taken to Brazil have increased their milk production.

*Cow and Scriptures*

 Cows are the path to heaven, they are worshipable even in heaven. Cows
grant a desirable objects, therefore there is nothing superior to the cows


Oh Bharata, a person devoted to cows attains whatever he desires. Women
also who aredevoted to cows get their wish fulfilled. A person desiring son
gets a son, one desiringdaughter gets daughter, one desiring wealth gets
wealth, one desiring religion attains religion, a student gets education
and one desiring happiness gets happiness. There is nothing unachievable
for a servant of cow.
 The Brahma Vidya, which grants supreme bliss is compared to the Sun.
Similarly the firmament, can be compared with an ocean and earth to Indra
but the cow, which does unlimited welfare to hunamy, cannot be compared to
anything cow is without any comparison. Indeed there is no other being like
a cow, which does welfare to human beings.

The hosts of devas reside in the body of a cow and all the holy places
exist in cow's feet. laxmi resides in the private parts of a cow. A person
who adorns his forehead with the mud sticking to the feet of a cow attains
the piety of taking bath in a holy place and achieves and achieves success
at every step. The place where cows reside is called tirtha, one who dies
in such a place becomes liberated immediately. This is certain.

People who serve cows and worship them, are blessed with rarest and
choicest boon, on their full satisfaction.
Being pleased cows bestow rare boon to a person who serves them and fellows
them. Never be envious of them and ever please them, honor them properly
and worship them. A man who has control over his senses and pleased within
who ever serves the cows attains opulence.

Brihat parashara smriti says:
One who gives some water and grass to the cows for eating attains the
result of performing a horse sacrifice there is no doubt in it.

Vishnu Dharmottara Purana says:

By arranging pasture land for cows, giving medical to treatment to the sick
cows a person becomes free of fears and attains the result of a horse
sacrifice .
  Hundreds of milk men holding milk pitchers to milk the cowsand hundreds
of their guardians dauce attendance on them. People, who wholly depend on
cows, do realize real worth of a cow.

 I wish always to keep cows in my view and that cow favors me. Cows are
ours and we are for the cows. Let us be close the cows, wherever they stay.


 Without giving a portion of our wealth in charity enjoyment of our wealth
is merely eating sin To become free from this sin service to cows is the
best, natural and easiest means.

 A mere slight touch to a cow shall shed away all sins of a man and
respectful regards to a cow shall grant power and pelf.

Divine doctrine of Vedas directs that, if one aspires to have all kinds of
luxury and comforts of the material worldly life, one should prominently
serve the cow.

Mahatma Gandhi on Cow Protection
Place Of The Cow
THE COW is a poem of pity. One reads pity in the gentle animal. She is the mother to millions of Indian mankind. Protection of the cow means protection of the whole dumb creation of God. The ancient seer, whoever he was, began with the cow. The appeal of the lower order of creation is all the more forcible because it is speechless. (Young India, 6-10-1921, p. 36)

…The cow is the purest type of sub-human life. She pleads before us on behalf of the whole of the sub-human species for justice to it at the hands of man, the first among all that lives. She seems to speak to us through her eyes: 'you are not appointed over us to kill us and eat our flesh or otherwise ill-treat us, but to be our friend and guardian'. (Young India, 26-6-1924, p. 214)

I worship it and I shall defend its worship against the whole world. (Young India, 1-1-1925, p. 8)

Mother cow is in many ways better than the mother who gave us birth. Our mother gives us milk for a couple of years and then expects us to serve her when we grow up. Mother cow expects from us nothing but grass and grain. Our mother often falls ill and expects service from us. Mother cow rarely falls ill. Here is an unbroken record of service which does not end with her death. Our mother, when she dies, means expenses of burial or cremation. Mother cow is as useful dead as when she is alive. We can make use of every part of her body-her flesh, her bones, her intestines, her horns and her skin. Well, I say this not to disparage the mother who gives us birth, but in order to show you the substantial reasons for my worshipping the cow. (Harijan, 15-9-1940, p. 281)
The Cow In Hinduism
The central fact of Hinduism is cow protection. Cow protection to me is one of the most wonderful phenomena in human evolution. It takes the human being beyond this species. The cow to me means the entire sub-human world. Man through the cow is enjoined to realize his identity with all that lives. Why the cow was selected for apotheosis is obvious to me. The cow was in India the best companion. She was the giver of plenty. Not only did she give milk, but she also made agriculture possible….....
Cow protection is the gift of Hinduism to the world. And Hinduism will live so ling as there are Hindus to protect the cow…… Hindus will be judged not by their TILAKS, not by the correct chanting of MANTRAS, not by their pilgrimages, not by their most punctilious observances of caste rules, but by their ability to protect the cow. (Young India, 6-10-1921, p. 36)
I would not kill a human being for protecting a cow, as I will not kill a cow for saving a human life, be it ever so precious. (Young India, 18-5-1921, p. 156)

My religion teaches me that I should by personal conduct instill into the minds of those who might hold different views, the conviction that cow-killing is a sin and that, therefore, it ought to be abandoned.
(Young India, 29-1-1925, p. 38)

Cow slaughter can never be stopped by law. Knowledge, education, and the spirit of kindliness towards her alone can put and end to it. It will not be possible to save those animals that are a burden on the land or, perhaps, even man if he is a burden. (Harijan, 15-9-1946, p. 310)

My ambition is no less than to see the principle of cow protection established throughout the world. But that requires that I should set my own house thoroughly in order first. (Young India, 29-1-1925, p. 38)

Cow protection to me is not mere protection of the cow. It means protection of that lives and is helpless and weak in the world. (Young India, 7-5-1925, p. 160)

But lit me reiterate….that legislative prohibition is the smallest part of any programme of cow protection. …People seem to think that, when a law is passed against any evil, it will die without any further effort. There never was a grosser self-deception. Legislation is intended and is effective against an ignorant or a small, evil-minded minority; but no legislation which is opposed by an intelligent and organized public opinion, or under cover of religion by a fanatical minority, can ever succeed. The more I study the question of cow protection, the stronger the conviction grows upon me that protection of the cow and her progeny can be attained only if there is continuous and sustained constructive effort along the lines suggested by me. (Young India, 7-7-1927, p. 219)
Preservation of cattle is a vital part of GOSEVA. It is a vital question for India . . . There is urgent need for deep study and the spirit of sacrifice. To amass money and dole out charity does not connote real business capacity. To know how to preserve cattle, to impart this knowledge to the millions, to live up to the ideal oneself, and to spend money on this endeavor is real business. (Harijan, 17-2-1946, p.11)

In so far as the pure economic necessity of cow protection is concerned, it can be easily secured if the question was considered on that ground alone. In that event all the dry cattle, the cows who give less mild than their keep, and the aged and unfit cattle would be slaughtered without a second thought. This soulless economy has no place in India, although the inhabitants of this land of paradoxes may be, indeed are, guilty of many soulless acts.
Positive Measures
Then, how can the cow be save without having to kill her off when she ceases to give the economic quantity of milk or when one becomes otherwise an uneconomic burden? The answer to the question can be summed up as follows:
1. By the Hindus performing their duty towards the cow and her progeny. If they did so, our cattle would be the pride of India and the world. The contrary is the case today.
2. By learning the science of cattle-breeding. Today there is perfect anarchy in this work.
3. By replacing the present cruel method of castration by the humane method practiced in the West.
4. By thorough reform of the pinjrapoles [institutions for aged cows] of India which are today, as a rule, managed ignorantly and without any plan by men who do not know their work.
5. When these primary things are done, it will be found that the Muslims will, of their own accord, recognize the necessity, if only for the sake of their Hindus brethren, of not slaughtering cattle for beef or otherwise.
The reader will observe that behind the foregoing requirements lies one thing and that is ahimsa, otherwise known as universal compassion. If that supreme thing is realized, everything else becomes easy. Where there is ahimsa, there is infinite patience, inner calm, discrimination, self-sacrifice and true knowledge. (Harijan, 31-8-1947, p. 300)

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